Story about us

We are two Lapland lovers (Virpi and Harri) originally from Southern Finland. We found ourselves spending our holiday in northern Finland and especially in Levi. We chose Levi over other locations because of its varied sporting facilities which are open all year round, the magnificent nature, the good transport links and the services of the area. Unfortunately we can’t spend all our time at our Levi home, so we ended up renting it to those in need. We hope you will have an unforgettable experience at Levi and will find the enchantment that will make you come back here again. Come and fall in love with Levi like we have.

For both of us, skiing is a great love in life. Virpi learned to ski at the age of 3 and skied every winter since. Harri re-discovered skiing as an adult and now it is time to take the pleasure out of it. Sometimes we also like to brave the slopes and experience the Finnish “alpine atmosphere”. There are slopes for beginners and for more advanced skiers.

Hiking is the number one hobby for both of us when the snow has melted. Levi is a great place for Lapland hiking or day trips. From Levi we have hiked in the direction of Pallas, Keimiötunturi and Olos, and towards Lemmenjoki. Day trips are to the nearby Kätkätunturi, in the direction of Aakenus and to the surroundings of Levitunturi.

Are you looking for accommodation in Levi? Book accommodation in the center of Levi

Leviloma 27m2 Levi apartment – accommodation for 1-4 people with sauna in the center of Levi

Leviloma 21m2 Levi accommodation – apartment for 1-2 people with sauna in the center of Levi
