Mountain biking in Levi

Is there fat biking routes in Levi?
Is there mountain biking trails in Levi?

Mountain Biking in Levi is your chance to lose yourself in the wilderness. The remote tracks take you through the snowy landscapes. Ride on a mountain bike up the hills, along the swamps and lakes exploring the mystique beauty of Levi.
Mountain biking is for those who love to experience something uncommon and challenging. Enjoy the verdant landscapes all along. In winters, drive into the forest and on the frozen marsh for an experience of a lifetime. Book our Levi apartment during your winter escapade to Levi. Prebooking is recommended during the peak season.

Levi provides a great setting for mountain biking, downhill or enduro biking. Levi is packed with fat bike and mountain bike trails.

Routes and tracks

Rental shops

  • Summer rental at Zero point